A light day for me. I made sure my data tools worked with the new “virtual” resorts (e.g. Madarao-Tangram) that I made. Sure enough, there were some bugs with my tools that assumed I always have predicted sizes for each mountain. These new mountains broke that assumption so I needed to both fix the code and also fix the data.

As explained previously, I made up some resorts that are not real, but logical resorts. Those resorts exist because (a) the resorts are really close together, and (b) you can ride between them. So while they might not be owned by the same company, they’re logically connected. There are several of these that I’ve been to, like Akakura Onsen and Akakura Kanko, or Madarao and Tangram.

Creating these virtual resorts help with eventually drawing them out on a map and categorizing GPS traces because if they’re connected, you’re surely going to get someone who will traverse into them